Clublog - my last 10 QSO's  from F5VKT and G3YBY below.


Search your call to see if you are in my logs.

Here's what I have been doing amateur radio wise:

30th April 2016. Worked my 200th DXCC for this year with a KH7 and a KL7 on 17m CW. Maybe conditions have not been as bad as we think.

9th April 2016. GMDX convention attended in Stirling. Great talks and company! Had a couple of days at Oban and the Isle of Mull afterwards.

6th April 2016. Special contest call G3Y renewed until 31 December 2019

19th March 2016. CDXC annual dinner at Reading. Two interesting afternoon talks by Justin G0KSC and Justin G0TSH followed by Peter G3RZP reminiscing about DX in days gone by after dinner.

12th / 13th March 2016 Beru contest (G3YBY). Entered the SOA restricted section 91 QSO's and 14 DXCC's worked

30th / 31st January REF CW contest (F5VKT). Entered the SOAB HP section claimed score 1225234 points


December 2015 ARRL 10m contest SOHP Mixed 385 QSO's

November 2015 CQWW CW contest (F5VKT)

October 2015 CQWW SSB contest (G3Y) SOU LP 20m 868 QSO's  #1 England

10th-11th October 2015. RSGB Convention Milton Keynes UK. Another great weekend. Attended many lectures:

K1N Navassa Island - W0GJ, Contest Strategy - G0CKV, Clublog latest developments - G7VJR, Is 3dB worth a divorce? - W0GJ, HF contest station design tips - G0MTN, SO2R without breaking the bank - G4PIQ, Clean up your shack - GM3SEK, DX Forun - G3SVL, E6GG DXpedition - G3WGN, RSGB contest Forum.

24th -28th June 2015.  Freidrichshafen Hamfest Germany. Travelled with Dennis F5VHY via Easyjet Bordeaux to Basel with XYLs. Had a great time lots of chat and beer, but just bought one connector. Attended the FOC dinner on the Friday and the Rhein-Ruhr DX Club dinner on the Saturday. See photo page.

16th -20th June 2015. F5VKT/P camping in the Tarn Departement. Did some QRP portable operating with newly acquired Elecraft KX3 and a  simple vertical antenna. Made 30-40 leisurly CW QSO's.

14 June 2015. Attended the Bourse TSF in Agen. Mainly antique broadcast radios on show and for sale but met up with a few locals from Department 47

30-31 May 2015. CQ WPX CW contest. F5VKT entered the SOHP assisted section and ended up with 2036 Q's and 4,7m points. #1 France based on raw claimed scores. See contest page for details.

17 May 2015. REF47 Assemblee Generale and lunch in Marmande. F5VKT was re-elected to the committee

9th May 2015 G3YBY attended his first CDXC committee meeting

11 April 2015 GMDX convention Stirling.

G3YBY attended with XYL Janet and heard 4 great talks in the afternoon:

ZD9XF  Tristan da Cunha by Nigel  G3TXF

EP6T Kish Island Iran by Ronald  PA3EWP and Henk  ON4AHF

PJ7PK IOTA expedition to Pelikan Key, St Martin by David  EI9FBB

K1N expedition to Navassa Island by Glenn  W0GJ

This was followed in the evening by great food and company at

the DX dinner


2 April 2015 200 DXCCs worked so far in 2015 by G3YBY / G3Y. Did the 200 about 6 weeks quicker than last year - are condx better?

21 March 2015 CDXC dinner

Some 58 people attended the CDXC Annual Dinner at the Calcot Hotel, Reading. 

A workshop on  Remote Operation was hosted by Justin, G4TSH and John, G4IRN, in the afternoon and the evening meal was followed by an entertaining and amusing talk by Nick Henwood, G3RWF entitled "Tales of an amateur amateur", which covered some of Nick's travel adventures.

14-15 March 2015 RSGB Commonwealth Contest (Beru) from G3YBY

268 Qs with a 24hour unassisted HP entry. See contest page for details

7-8 March 2015 ARRL DX SSB contest.

Had 873 Qs with a 15m SOSB HP entry. See contest page for details

28 February 2015. 153 DXCCs worked by G3YBY / G3Y so far this year.

12th February 2015 During visit to New Orleans Louisiana had a great lunch with members of the Delta DX Association W5RU - including Don W5FKX, Chuck NO5W, Dallas K1DW, Skip W5GAI, Jim N5HZ and Ted KN5O




31 January 2015 134 DXCCs worked from G3YBY / G3Y in January

20 January 2015 100 DXCCs worked in first 20 days of 2015 !

17-18 January. HA DX contest. Had a go in this contest for the first time just as a casual LP single band entry entry.G3Y Made 259Qs on 15m in 5 hours.

3-4 January 2015. ARRL RTTY Round Up. Just spent a quick 4 hours using G3Y for a casual entry with 127 Qs spread acroos 20, 15 and 10m

2014 Operating Summary

Probably one of the most active years I have had ending up with 13375 QSOs split:

F5VKT 10223Qs and 236 DXCCs worked

G3YBY / G3Y 3152 Qs and 223 DXCCs worked

Most DXCCs worked in a year from both calls

29-30 November 2014. CQWW CW contest from F5VKT.

Just over 2600 Qs made.

See contest page for details

11-12 October 2014. RSGB Convention MIlton Keynes GB.

Spent a great two days attending lectures and socialising at the new venue which was much improved over the last one. Talks I attended included:

1.Contest hints (Lee G0MTN)

2.Data modes (MIke G4WNC)

3. TX6G dxpedition (Don G3XTT)

4. DX Forum (Chris G3SVL)

5. Elecraft (Eric WA6HHQ)

6. Antenna opportunities (Steve G3UFY)

7. Vertical VDAs (DAve G3WGN)

8. DXCC honour roll (Laurie G3UML)

9. Cycle 24 (Karl K9LA)

10. ZD9XF dxpedition (Nigel G3TXF)

11. Contest Forum (RSGB contest committee)

12. Use you Raspberry Pi (Mike G4WNC)

See you next year!

27th-28th September. CQWW RTTY contest from F5VKT. 2100 Qs made.

See contest page for details

14th September 2014 - 40th Wedding Anniversary.

Thought I'd mention even though its not radio related. G3YBY and XYL Janet celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary by spending a few days in San Sebastien (N. Spain) and Biarritz..

17th August 2014 - 200th DXCC worked this year from F5VKT !

Thanks to HH2/PY3SB, 4W/N1YC and EY7AD worked today. This years' main F5VKT activity started in mid-May.

12-13 July 2014 IARU contest operating with TM0HQ team.

After a year off, I operated with TM0HQ on both the 20m CW and 40m SSB stations at the club contest station F6KNB near Bordeaux. Had a blast and we achieved a great winning? score (35.9m pts raw score)!

IARU 2014
The TM0HQ team operating from F6KNB contest station near Bordeaux in the IARU 2014 contest

5th July 2014. Bordeaux DX Groupe meeting Comfort Hotel BDX Airport.

Another great meeting and social event with 5 talks and a convivial dinner afterwards

Gerard F2VX and Paul F6EXV about to start the BDXG meeting 5 July 2012
Gerard F2VX and Paul F6EXV about to start the BDXG meeting 5 July 2012

25th - 29th June 2014. Friedrichshafen Hamfest Germany.

Travelled to Friedrichshafen via Easyjet Bordeaux - Basel wih Dennis F5VHY. Met up with Bob W9KNI and his XYL Judy. Great socialising, met up up with many friends, old and new. No kit bought - just beer and food. Attended the FOC dinner on the Friday night and the Bavarian Contest Club dinner on the Saturday night. Now back on the diet!

21-22nd June 2014. All Asian DX Contest CW. Just made c.200 Qso's to give a few points away - see contest page for details.

25-26th May 2014. CXWPX CW contest from F5VKT 1695 Q's made - see contest page for details

25th May 2014 REF 47 annual general meeting and lunch, Hotel du Departement Agen.
The amateurs in Department 47 were invited to lunch by the Conseil General of the Departement  to celebrate the REF47 winning the Coupe du REF - the French Championship - 3 consecutive times in 2011,2012 and 2013!!

And here's the 3 trophies won by REF47 in 2011,2012 and 2013
And here's the 3 trophies won by REF47 in 2011,2012 and 2013

14th May 2014 - 200th DXCC worked this year from G3YBY / G3Y since 1st January 2014! I was away for 3 weeks in March as well!

CQWW 2013 results posted 3rd May 2014

See contests page for details - not bad just missed #1G in CW but new G record in SSB

Andover Radio Club Car Boot Sale 27th April 2014

Drove down to Wildhern nr Andover for a damp browse round the boot sale.

Just bought a dummy load and an Avo Minor meter - total spent £10!

Original Mendip Repeater Group Lunch 26th April 2014

Attended a pleasant lunch with a few members of the original 1970's Mendip Repeater Group (GB3WR and GB3UB) at the Barge Inn, Seend Cleeve, near Devizes


GMDX convention 12th April 2014

I attended the friendly GMDX convention in Stirling and heard 5 excellent presentations by G7VJR (Clublog), G3ZAY (Ascension Island), G3RWF (Africa solo), G3XTT (Australs) and K0IR (Amsterdam Island).

It was followed by a DX dinner and the usual superb Scottish hospitality!

K0IR presents the FT5ZM expedition at the GMDX convention
K0IR presents the FT5ZM expedition at the GMDX convention

V8FKT Brunei November 2008

I visited my cousin in Brunei and did a small holiday style operation making 646 QSO's using an Icom IC706 Mk2G 100W with wire antennas

My V8FKT QSl card
My V8FKT QSl card